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Welcome to UDSCfinance

We get it. The financial 'gurus' are telling you that you have to take risk, you have to quit your job and you have to work every minute of the day to be successful. 

It's like they live on a different planet.

You have bills. You have children. You have a family to provide for. More importantly, you're living your life. 

So what can you do?

We're on a journey to change our lives. Will you join us?

Film Clapboard

Let's Begin a Financial Revolution

Who are we?

Personally, we're like nearly every family out there. 

We have credit card debt, we're both looking for other careers, have a mortgage that we can barely afford and dogs, a cat & two horses to provide for. Financially, we're just like every other family in the UK right now. Struggling. 

Sometimes all it takes is a bad day and a f*ck this moment to realise that living life like this simply doesn't make sense. 


So what changed? We realised that education is key. There is a whole world of financial tools out there designed for people just like us. All you need to do, is know where to look. 


That's where we come in. I've read more books than I can count. I've listened to weeks worth of podcasts from some of the brightest minds in the world. I've purchased courses with price tags that made my eyes water. 


I've decided that my journey is going to be different. My road to this point, and the road that so many walk, frightens me. Living in debt, one payslip away from bankruptcy in the hope that you're well enough to make the most of a pension made of pennies per month, when your best years are long behind you doesn't sound like a life for me. 

I've decided that my journey is going to be shared. And I don't mean tell everyone about it shared, I mean bring people along with me. It's going to be OUR journey. We are going to create a movement. We are going to change lives. We are going to start a financial revolution.


At UDSCfinance we offer a few subscription models depending on your situation and how involved you want to be:


Our free content is the understanding you need to start your journey. It gives you vital information, basic understanding and the "ground works" that are required of you to begin. Our free subscription gives you notifications every time we post so that you don't miss a step. 


Our 4K exclusive content is the know-how. This is the specific methods and executions taught in the courses and books. It gives you detailed explanations and real-world examples to build your confidence and get you started.


Our affiliate program is the real gem of UDSCfinance. This is for those who truly want to join us on the road to success, and more importantly want to help others along the way. We truly want to create a community of people changing lives. We want to create such a large store of help that every person visiting our site for the first time experiences it as a life altering event.

Our affiliate program allows our users to share their own experiences, and better than that they can make an income from it. The more people they help, the more they make from it. 



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